TUA Leis

On the heels of teaming up with the Miami Dolphins’ new quarterback Tua Tagovailoa in 2021, South Florals locked in Element M to assist with the official launch of their custom designed TUA Leis, benefiting The Tua Foundation that supports youth organizations and other charitable causes. The #5 overall pick in the 2020 NFL Draft, Tua was the star quarterback with a record-breaking career at the University of Alabama prior to joining the Miami Dolphins.
With the leis specifically designed for Tua and his fans nationwide to show their gameday pride, Element M was tasked with reaching Tua’s fans from Miami to Hawaii in order to increase awareness for South Florals the leis along with generating proceeds for the non-profit organization. Additionally, in partnership with South Florals and The Tua Foundation, Element M aimed to help build on Tua’s tradition of using floral leis before and after football games to create a new game day tradition amongst Dolphin fans.
“Within six months of generating media coverage, Element M reached close to 54.5 million readers including South Floridians and football fans nationwide.”

With phase one of the launch beginning in the spring of 2021, media coverage was secured with top outlets in Miami including features with The Miami Herald, ElNuevo Herald and NBC6 South Florida. The segment with NBC6 featured South Florals’ CEO, Danny Sanchez, to discuss the partnership with Tua and his Foundation and prominently showcase the leis on-air. In addition, to reach Tua’s fans across the U.S. in phase one, Element M produced national media coverage with the top NFL and sports outlets such as The Athletic and Sports Illustrated.
Leading up to the start of the new NFL season in September, Element M launched phase two of the strategy and secured another wave of coverage for the TUA Leis with Fort Lauderdale Illustrated, Miami Community News and top television news networks including ABC Miami and NBC West Palm Beach. Within six months of generating media coverage, Element M reached close to 54.5 million readers including South Floridians and football fans nationwide and was seen by television audiences in all three counties of South Florida. This led to new sales of the TUA Leis from Florida to Hawaii (where Tua is from), increased brand awareness of South Florals locally and nationally, and generated proceeds for The Tua Foundation.